Experience the excitement of a Roadwarrior-style car chase on an urban interstate freeway.

What would you give to feel the rush?

Imagine being right in the middle of a fleet of crazy, suped-up Mad Max cars and bikes. The drivers and passengers are in full Mad Max costume. Now imagine the Roadwarrior soundtrack blasting while you are weaving in and out of these vehicles, and accelerating, as you chase an eighteen-wheeler down the highway.

If you are a Mad Max fan, there is no doubt that you have imagined yourself in this situation before. That is what inspired me to start Roadwar 101.

Roadwar 101 will be an event during which you can meet with other fans, share stories and memorabilia, and show off your costumes and vehicles. The highlight, and the first half of the event, will be a 1 hour drive down highway 101, from San Francisco to Santa Clara, California. In Santa Clara, we will stop for lunch and have a car show. more...



If you have any questions or input, e-mail me at madmaxcostumes@yahoo.com.

Also, check out the Roadwar 101 discussion forum!